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Extension of an appointment management system

Brief description

The application serves as a simple intranet front end for an appointment management function of the SAP system for booking and canceling appointments for necessary employee training. The application, which was previously used for one customer site, should now be able to be used across all sites by transferring parameters from the browser. An additional SAP query provides area-related configuration values for the calendar display on the web interface. This makes it possible to customize the web interface with regard to the number and period of displayed appointments, available days of the week, as well as additional information about the location and the calling user. In addition, the existing application will be technically modernized.


The application, which was originally based on .NET Core 3.1, was rebuilt as a .NET 8 web application with a model view controller structure and structurally adapted to the .NET 8 applications currently maintained by the customer. The application provides the appointment information requested via SAP function modules in a calendar. The JavaScript library fullcalendar (version 6.1.15) is used for the calendar functionality.

Subject description

By calling up the application with a location-related parameter, it should be possible to use the application for all customer locations in future. Until now, there have been different solutions and procedures for booking appointments at the various locations. By merging the locations and, in the future, expanding to different types of appointments, the department hopes to save costs for appointment management.


Project start01.08.2024

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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