EURO implementation Croatia for a SAP Retail System
Project duration: 11 months
Brief description
A conversion programme for an SAP Retail System is to be created for the conditions in purchasing and sales, which converts the existing conditions into the new currency on the key date. The possible re-usability of existing functionalities and further applicability in other countries for currency conversion is required.
A programme specification is to be created for an SAP Retail system. Standard tables to be converted as well as customer-specific tables are part of the specification. Depending on the respective table, the description of the respective selection options is based on key fields (old currency, new currency, etc.). Fixed conversions are to be included in the description. When creating the programme, existing functionalities (report or function module) are used or extracted and adapted to the required functionality. The programme should be usable for further currency conversions.
Subject description
A programme specification is to be created for the condition conversion from local currency to new currency on the key date, in this case for the introduction of the euro in Croatia on 01.01.2023. Standard tables and other customer-specific tables are taken into account for purchasing and sales. With the creation of the new condition, the old conditions in the tables must be limited for their validity period.