Analysis, consulting, customizing and test support in a project for introducing the Endur standard software at a gas supply company. Support is provided for the implementation of long-term gas supply contract, mapping complex discount regulations and the specifics of contracts, as well as their integration in portfolio and risk management and the implementation of processes for accounting grid management, such as schedule registration, accounting grid management and processing of transport contracts.
The tasks in detail: carrying out workshops, creating business specifications on the basis of templates, creating test cases, creating technical specifications, converting or programming enhancements, tests and releases for approval.
Subject description
1st stage: introduction of stock exchange trading with standard products, including portfolio management, risk management and transaction processing via the stock exchange. 2nd stage: implementing long-term contracts / mapping complex discount controls and contractual specifications with integration into portfolio and risk management. 3rd stage: introduction of modules for accounting grid management with mapping of the business processes schedule registration / TSO and accounting grid control and processing of transport agreements.