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DWH data protection concept

Project duration: 7 months

Brief description

An internationally active, German logistics company carries out an as-is analysis and target conceptual design for implementation of the EU GDPR and BDSG. In this process, all loading paths – from the source systems, via the ETL processes, through to the DWH – are analyzed at the attribute level and evaluated in terms of their relevant to data protection laws.


The DWH data protection project is part of the customer's program to implement the EU GDPR and BDSG data protection laws. The DWH contains around 20,000 tables with their 250,000 columns from more than 50 source systems, which are loaded to a teradata database via the Oracle Data Integrator (ODI). More than 100 reports are prepared from the DWH using SAP BO, classic data marts or even Excel exports. The content of these reports is checked for personal data. In the target conceptual design, a decision is reached for each attribute in the ETL paths about whether it can continue to be loaded, whether it needs to be anonymized or encrypted, or whether it needs to be removed from the loading path. A data protection impact assessment is carried out for each report to check whether the report can remain unchanged or it needs to be adapted or discontinued. Instructions, e.g. for database administrators on how to handle backups and log files, complement the technical measures for data protection.

Subject description

All reports and evaluations provided from the DWH are also checked to establish whether they contain personal data. A target concept is created on the basis of these findings, in order to remove personal data from the loading paths, or anonymize or encrypt these data. Data protection impact assessments are carried out for the reports and evaluations; depending on the results of these assessments, the reports and evaluations are either discontinued, adapted or used further. In addition to technical concepts, instructions are created for all the roles involved in the DWH team, in order to implement the data protection requirements in full.


Project period26.09.2017 - 30.04.2018

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