Digital interactive video consulting assistant for an IT trade fair
Project duration: 4 months
Brief description
The customer wants to present the range of its own products and services at a trade fair. PTA achieves this with its digital assistant NEXOVI. An avatar with a human face guides the customer through the range of topics as a digital innovation. Even the presentation with an avatar, which stands out in comparison to other solutions due to its real appearance, increases the attention of the trade fair stand.
PTA's NEXOVI digital assistant is implemented as an Angular application with a .NET backend and allows the creation of customizable consulting processes. In the project, PTA is responsible for project management and consulting for the consulting assistant. Furthermore, it supports the conception of a script and is responsible for the implementation of the requirements.
Subject description
The avatar moderates the content provided by the customer or linked online. No data is processed, only advertising content provided by the customer is displayed. It is possible to return to the main page and select a different language on each page by means of discreetly placed buttons.