Development of a new calculation core for premium adjustment of a private health insurance company
Brief description
The existing calculation core for premium adjustment in private health insurance was originally developed decades ago and repeatedly adapted to new system environments and technical requirements. Since the calculation core can only be maintained with great effort, a new development was commissioned. This new development should be adapted to the existing system landscape and implemented with modern development guidelines. Since the computing core is required on different platforms (Windows, Linux, host, cloud), it is being developed in C++.
Primarily, the computing core is used in the batch environment on the host as well as in the cloud. The regular premium adjustments are carried out as part of batch jobs across the entire portfolio. In the case of subsequent contract changes, however, it must also be possible to calculate the premium adjustments during changes by clerks, if necessary. To secure the premium adjustments, various test tools are used by the specialist department. These tools run partly under Windows, partly under Linux.
Subject description
Due to statutory requirements and rising costs for medical care, the premiums of private health insurance tariffs must be adjusted regularly. A comprehensive set of rules is used to decide which tariff must be changed by which amount for which group of people. There are several adjustment runs spread over the year, each of which covers a specific tariff group. The definition of the parameters for the set of rules lies with the specialist department, so the newly developed calculation core must be parameterized in a format that the specialist department can supply.