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Data provision for tariffing service

Project duration: 9 months

Brief description

Implement an interface for data conversion between tariffing service and callers. Due to new products and product changes, regular adaptations of the interface are necessary.


The interface offered accepts calls for the pricing of insurance products, checks them schematically, enriches them with various information from other services, sets default values and forwards them to a service for the actual pricing of the products. The price information is returned to the callers in an agreed structure. The transformations of the interface are implemented in Java. The calls can come from online application lines, software on clerk computers as well as through host batch operation.

Subject description

The interface service offers a uniform call option for checking, transformation, information enrichment and forwarding for the pricing of insurance products. The advantage of the service lies in the centralisation of the steps required for forwarding to the price determination.


Project period26.10.2020 - 30.07.2021

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