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Conversion of the settlement process of WiM services and device sales

Project duration: 1 year, 5 months

Brief description

In the context of the WiM process (change processes in measurement), invoices must be mapped to the INVOIC format for the sale of devices and for the invoicing of measurement services according to the requirements of the BNetzA. This supplementary process is mapped in the customer's master data application.


The customer's master data application is based on a three-layer, service-oriented architecture (.Net-based thin client, application server, MS SQL 2008). The business processes are integrated into the master data application taking the specified deadlines into account. The messages are processed via an existing EDI archive, which converts the EDIFACT messages, which are contained in e-mail attachments, into an XML format, and passes them to the master data application for further processing. When messages are sent, XML files generated by the master data application are imported from the BizTalk server, converted to the EDIFACT format and transferred to the EDI archive. The EDI archive uses this to generate e-mails, which are transferred to an e-mail server. Communication between the BizTalk server and the EDI archive is via web methods. Development is performed in C# based on the .Net 3.5 framework. The current EDIFACT standards, valid on 01.04.2012 (01.10.2012), are implemented.

Subject description

Apart from invoicing in the device transfer process, the process also describes the settlement of the payments for the temporary continuation of metering point operation and, if applicable, measurement, as well as for additional or control readings. Initially, invoices are manually created by the user after executing the device transfer process. This should be automated in future. The other invoicing processes for compulsory continued obligation and for additional readings are considered of secondary importance and implemented as such.


Project period01.07.2012 - 30.11.2013

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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