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Continuation of future viability of master data system

Project duration: 7 months

Brief description

The customer's central master data application is being continuously developed to keep pace with technological advances in its own and adjacent systems and to meet the various new requirements in the energy market.


The most important processes of the master data application are master data maintenance and reconciliation with other internal systems, job control of ongoing processing for day-to-day business in the energy market, cost calculation for purchasing and sales, and invoicing and posting against SAP. Also of importance is the provision of data for other systems such as the customer's internal incoming document system and energy information system. The central master data application is a system programmed with Visual Studio and C#-.NET code, whose data basis lies in an SQL database. The further development of the Microsoft environment is carried out by regular updates in the development environment. A test and analysis for the conversion to RESTful API for the connection to further external systems is carried out. Subsequently, the conversion of the connection via the communication layer between client and server from SAOP XML to WebAPI is carried out.

Subject description

With regard to the future viability of the master data application, the optimization and continuation of the automation of the lT processes play a central role. Business adaptations are taking place in the following processes: Invoicing, document creation, company code release, cost center release and transfer of missing master data to SAP creditors. There is also a transfer to the customer's internal IT department for further support of the specialist departments.


Project period01.06.2019 - 31.12.2019

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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