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Configuring and rolling out Oracle Wallets

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

As part of the project, the automated roll-out of Oracle wallets on target machines is configured and carried out. An additional task is to ensure the operation of the customer's Linux-based applications.


The aim of this project is to configure the roll-out of Oracle Wallet, to prepare machines on which these wallets are rolled out and to execute the actual roll-out of wallets. Configuration files are processed using IntelliJ IDEA. Another task is the coordination of roll-out processes between stakeholders and controlling with regard to adherence to the roll-out plan. In order to ensure that wallets will continue to be rolled out by other project participants in the future, a detailed documentation is prepared in Confluence.

Subject description

Oracle Wallets allow you to establish a connection between databases and other systems that want to access these databases by storing encrypted passwords to the databases in these wallets. Since there are a large number of machines on which Oracle Wallets have to be rolled out, this process is automated.


Project period06.11.2017 - 12.01.2018

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