The project involves migrating a proprietary software for automating and optimizing the power production planning and short-term power trading process into a new Azure cloud environment. At the same time updating the software version is applied. The new Azure environment has to serve for stricter security and higher availability requirements than the previous version. PTA supports the necessary quality requirements by taking over the test management including test concept and control of all test activities.
The software solution is made up of two components. The main application runs on a number of VMs in an 'Infrastructure as a Service' environment in Azure. An additional middleware component is responsible for the data transfer between the application and the other internal and external systems. The middleware is a 'Platform as a Service' solution and makes use of a variety of Azure services, including messaging via an Azure Service Bus. An important part of the project is the appraisal and, where necessary, upgrade of the application architecture in agreement with the software vendor. PTA also has complete responsibility for the test management, including the test concept, as well as supervising the technical and business/key user tests.
Subject description
This is a software solution for automating and optimizing the power production planning and short-term power trading. One of its main tasks is to exchange data with the relevant markets. There are separate environments for Central Europe (connection to EEX) and the Nordic markets (connection to Nordpool). A central aim of the project is to tighten the security of the application and its data in the cloud as well as to improve the application's availability.