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Client-specific extension SAP accrual posting

Brief description

The established posting logic (see also project 4680) is extended by an additional client. First, the already implemented process chain is secured on a client-specific basis. In a second step, identical cross-client process steps are adapted accordingly and, in a third step, new, client-specific process steps are implemented.


The posting logic is technically integrated into the master data application, whereby the data warehouse provides the source for monthly accrual postings and is therefore a sub-process of the ETL route.

Subject description

The process posts noted item, credit notes, final invoices and monthly accruals and deferrals on both sides, which are provided by the customer's internal controlling system. In addition, a corresponding document is generated for each booking made and automatically archived and linked in the Group's ERP system in order to comply with the legal obligation to provide documentation.


Project start01.10.2023

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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