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Clarify: introduction of a global complaint management system

Project duration: 8 months

Brief description

Introduction of a CLARIFY system for supporting second level support in the area of service management for all business areas (BAs).


Using CLARIFY as the standard software is intended to support global complaint management in terms of data storage and workflows. A direct interface to SAP shall enable corrective actions to be made directly in product management. In addition to the classic client-server technology, the new web-client technology developed by Clarify via the eBusiness Framework is also to be used.

Subject description

The Clarify system shall map the regulatory specifications for global complaints management and proactively support the implementation of these specifications. Persons responsible for security in the subsidiaries shall have the option of transferring customer complaints received locally to a centralized complaint management location by means of intranet screens. The central management then forwards the inquiries to specialist and product managers in the individual business units.


Project period01.06.2002 - 31.01.2003

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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