Changeover clearing from sales/markdown postings in the POS interface: FI incoming invoice should be created and posted using message determination from SD billing document.
Sales and markdowns from the sales outlets are transferred to SAP Retail via the POS interface. Since the products sold by the sales branches are the property of the company code managing the stock, clearing between two company codes is necessary in addition to goods movements.
Subject description
When processing WPUUMS IDocs (sales) and WPUBON IDocs (markdowns) from the POS interface, billing documents from the stock-managing company code to the selling company codes are created and posted in the stock-managing company code with invoice recipient/payer. So that these created billing documents do not have to be posted manually in the selling company code as FI incoming invoices, they are posted in FI by processing INVOIC IDocs. The INVOIC IDocs are created during output determination for the billing document.