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    Übersetze nach Englisch                       system of indicators         Alternativen:              Key figure system

Project duration: 5 months

Brief description

System for the central administration of relevant key figures of housing companies. Based on an existing internet application (member survey) collected data is combined in a central data pool (MS SQL Server) and can be evaluated dynamically via reports.


These data are statistically processed internally (e. g. average rent development in the region, development of operating costs) and the results are made available to the member companies. A flexible data model (including the Data Dictionary) allows simple extensions of the data structures. An evaluation tool allows the selection according to different criteria and the transfer of data to MS Excel. There they are available for individual post-processing.

Subject description

Key figure management and evaluation.


Project period12.05.2003 - 01.10.2003

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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