The project includes developing the Tools Benchmark tool for identifying and graphically displaying plant parameters on the basis of information that was entered previously into specially developed forms in the individual plants. In order to improve the quality of data, as part of the project, these forms are also supplied with a check routine for validating the data entered.
Both the application system and the forms for data collection in the individual plants are based on MS Excel. The check routine integrated in the forms is a macro that is automatically executed when the forms are saved and can also be optionally executed via a pushbutton. When the macro is executed, all entries with errors are documented in a separate spreadsheet within the Excel workbook. BMT has a macro for inputting all the relevant data from the forms maintained in the plants. Other macros and Excel formulas then use this imported data to determine all the necessary parameters and display them in diagrams.
Subject description
The parameters identified with this tool can be used to compare the plants in question in terms of costs and efficiency per process. This information is an important basis for compiling measures to improve efficiency in the plants.