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Automated extraction of performance data for diagnostic laboratories

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

For the analysis determination of the performance in a laboratory, i.e. runtimes of samples, all relevant data and information have to analyzed. Therefore, specific events for samples and test but also for additional characteristics of the performance are detected in the connected software solution. A tool is developed to increase the effiency by automating the detection of the relevant data and the transmit the data to connected systems.


The relevant data shall include information on samples. Events during the processing of samples in the laboratory are of interest, in particular data for the recognition of samples as well as data for the distribution or processing of samples. Runtimes of samples from pre-analytics to analytical instruments are just as relevant as dwell times in instruments or information on the duration of measurements. The objective is to analyze and improve the current performance of the laboratory. In accordance with the DSGVO, personal data are pseudonymised or completely avoided during the extraction of information.

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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