Implementation of a software module that guarantees auditing acceptability in the event of write accesses to the database. Each data change and creation of new data, including information about the author and the time of the change, is to be saved as a log. This also makes it possible to place the data in a history and to restore it at the data record level.
The necessary software module is implemented as a trigger-based solution. The trigger is implemented in the C programming language. The data to be logged is stored in the database in XML format. It is written to the log files at regular intervals. Added to this, a prototype is developed in C# that can be used to read or search the data from the log file and, if necessary, to generate SQL statements from the data in order to restore a desired state,
Subject description
Changes to data connected to insurance contracts that cannot be checked can entail a variety of serious problems for all the parties involved (e.g. policy holder, insurer, insurance broker). This includes, among other areas, business aspects (e.g. faulty balance sheets) or legal issues (e.g. preclusion of insurance risks). This could result in drawn-out legal disputes, although these can be reduced if a suitable set of instruments is used for a change history. Accidental input errors or changes to data that occur due to technical problems can be reset to a defined status with the help of change logs. These measures therefore not only ensure auditing acceptability but reinforce the robustness of the software and significantly improve its quality.