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Application support for market area changeover

Brief description

Within the scope of the 'Market Space Conversion Natural Gas' the customer uses an industry-specific standard software for the collection, documentation and quality assurance of the gas appliance adaptation. The task of PTA is to ensure the quality of the application and to be the contact for the users.


PTA creates test cases, tests the application after a completed development sprint and documents the test results. Errors are passed on by PTA to the manufacturer. With the completion of the KNB-ID 4950 project, PTA has automated the test cases that already existed at that time. The automated test cases are maintained within the scope of this project and adapted in case of changes in the application under test. Furthermore, PTA is the contact person for the users of the system in case of errors and change requests. These are communicated by PTA to the manufacturer. The application consists of an Android app for recording data, a database with a web-based front end that communicates with the app and a scheduling component including a route planner for planning fitter assignments.

Subject description

In the north and west of Germany the conversion from L to H natural gas is taking place. Before the conversion of an area, all gas appliances must be surveyed, checked for adaptability and, if necessary, adapted to the new gas quality. To support this project, the customer uses industry-specific standard software, some of which has been specifically adapted for the customer. The technicians who collect and adapt the devices use an app on which they receive the orders from dispatching and document the inventories and activities. This data is then sent back to the scheduling department for further use.


Project start01.01.2020

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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