The customer is developing a sample preparation robot to be used in sepsis diagnostics. The PTA has the tasks to implement an application software that simplifies the interaction of the robot with the user and the system environment and supports the sample preparation workflow. The medical examination will then take place in a special measuring device.
An application software based on web technology (Angular frontend, .NET backend) for controlling the sample preparation robot for use on an embedded Windows system is developed. The PTA takes over the software development, supports the refinement of the requirements, performs the software and integration tests of the software with the instrument and advises on the adaptation of the software development process. The development is iterative based on different prototypes, which are gradually approximated to the final product platform.
Subject description
The identification of pathogens in blood cultures is essential for the short-term treatment of sepsis patients. To speed up the preparation of blood cultures for the actual detection procedure, the customer is developing a robot that performs the sample preparation steps. This will require various resources such as pipette tips, reagent and wash solutions, and work steps such as pipetting, centrifugation and application to a detection medium will be performed by the robot. User interactions with the robot are controlled by application software that supports the workflow with wizards and logs the work steps. As part of the development of the application, the quality management system will be extended to include the software development process for medical devices.