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Application consolidation

Project duration: 3 years, 10 months

Brief description

The customer has a large number of different applications for different business processes that have grown over the years. In the 'Application Consolidation' project, the first step is to record the currently used applications in the central IT service tool and assign a clear person responsible in the IT department. In the second step, these applications are then consolidated as far as possible. The aim of this project is to reduce running costs and support expenses.


Within the framework of the project, the applications that will be needed in the future for the various forms of use (virtual desktops, notebooks, PCs) must be identified. This poses a challenge in that in many cases applications have been installed by users without the involvement of IT.

Subject description

The current situation is characterized by the fact that applications with a similar or identical range of functions are often used. These must be identified and categorized so that consolidation can be brought about in consultation with the respective stakeholders. A good communication of the necessary changes to the affected users is of great importance. The applications relevant in the future must be documented with the information required for support if they have not yet been implemented.


Project period02.07.2018 - 30.04.2022

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy