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Analysis of existing Access department systems

Project duration: 1 month

Brief description

A complete software system on an access basis for the precise support of several important departmental processes is analysed in preparation for the IT department taking over the technical responsibility. Particular attention is paid to the aspects of data protection and security, possible data redundancies to company-wide master data management, and reduction of administration costs.


Data management, user administration including authentication and authorisation are handled on an access basis. The entire administration is currently carried out by employees of the department. The analysis should aim to find sensible and economical approaches to integrating the functionalities into the existing administration and data management systems of the IT department.

Subject description

For know-how and economic reasons, the technical support of the systems can no longer be adequately provided by the department itself. For this reason, a transfer of responsibility to the IT department is planned. Necessary work for integration into defined IT processes and systems must be described and evaluated.


Project period23.11.2020 - 31.12.2020

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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