PTA Keyvisual, Ecke in halbtransparentem Blau
16. July 2024

PTA’s management as a guest at the MY WAY Strategy Summit of Family Businesses 2024 in Berlin

Expert lecture on top

MY WAY is aimed at SMEs and family entrepreneurs as well as digital experts and takes place from 10. to 11. September 2024 for the second time in a row at the WECC – Westhafen Event and Convention Center in Berlin. Here, entrepreneurial personalities present the script of their success – and this year, the management of PTA will be taking part in the event and providing the interested public with special insights.

On “ThePioneer Two”, the new media ship at the MY WAY Strategy Summit, managing partner Jana Fischer and the two managing directors Dr. Tim Walleyo and Matthias Wossidlo will explain on Tuesday, September 10, from 12:30 to 14:00 how a medium-sized, family-run IT consultancy is constantly reinventing itself across generations, mastering change and successfully positioning itself on the market.

How an established family business can hold its own in changing times

Leadership is changing, markets are changing and value chains are changing. Against this backdrop, companies are faced with the major challenge of keeping pace with the dynamic world of work and looking for new business areas and technologies in order to remain competitive – while at the same time retaining established values. This poses major challenges for a traditional, medium-sized family business like PTA IT-Beratung. The four speakers will illustrate from their respective perspectives how management that unites several leaders with different backgrounds promotes the transfer of knowledge and thus the entire company – even in economically and politically difficult times. Among other things, this is made possible by the PTA founder’s in-depth knowledge of the company and the decision to tackle the succession as early as possible. He gave his successor and daughter Jana Fischer the option of preparing herself step by step and implementing her own ideas in the management circle on a selective basis. In addition, the PTA Group benefits from the expertise of two external managing directors and loyal employees who drive the joint development of innovative solutions. It is precisely the characteristics described above that make PTA IT Consulting a special company – they create competitive advantages and help the family business to strengthen itself for future generations.

In an open dialog, the PTA management allows a look behind the scenes and explains how the founding family and two external CEOs can work together successfully, what this means for the corporate culture and what sensitivities play a role.

Technical excursion on event day 2: Trend, hype and practice of avatars

The PTA IT consulting appearance will be rounded off with an exciting presentation by Dr. Roland Jesse on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. In the Masterclass Area, the IT expert will give a presentation on a forward-looking topic: Roland Jesse will use specific application scenarios to show how avatars now provide reliable services and contribute to customer loyalty and customer excellence. In addition, the digital assistants relieve the burden on specialist and service departments by being available around the clock, regardless of location. This is a great advantage, especially in times of skills shortages. The expert also gives a brief assessment of the current state of development: in his opinion, digital avatars are becoming increasingly powerful and sophisticated, which will ultimately lead to high-quality consulting scenarios.

Unique ambience invites top-class professional exchange

The Westhafen Event and Convention Center is once again a unique meeting place this year, bringing together numerous representatives from the worlds of business, politics and culture. Participants are invited to network and exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere in the listed ambience of the former warehouse 1 at Westhafen Berlin. The aim of MY WAY is to offer a stage to those entrepreneurs who are courageously facing up to current challenges and will generate future success for German industry. The core topics of the two-day event are wide-ranging: they range from the omnipresent transformation and technology issues to climate protection, politics and culture.

Further information on the MY WAY Strategy Summit and this year’s supporting program can be found on The Pioneer website.

Portrait Herr Fischer, Mann mit Brille

Robert Fischer

Marketing Manager

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