
PTA Keyvisual, Ecke in halbtransparentem Blau

IT for IHKs

On 24. and April 25, 2018, the The 25th information conference of the IHK-GfI took place in Dortmund. The PTA was present at the annual event with around 150 participants.

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IT meets ART 2018: Review

After two successful events, the PTA hosted the “IT meets ART” lecture series for the third time on June 7. This time at Ludwigsburg Residential Palace near Stuttgart.

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conhIT 2018: Review

The end of the trade fair on 19.04.2018 marked the end of three intensive days of professional exchange on the topics of interoperability, standardization and electronic patient records.

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beegy as innovator of the year

beegy plays a pioneering role in the field of energy & environment with regard to intelligent products, services and processes. The reward for this is the “Innovator of the Year 2018” award.

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Planned network measure

The “Planned network measure” is a user module of the openKONSEQUENZ platform. It is intended to support network operators in planning and coordinating work in the supply networks.

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ISO13485 certification

ISO13485 regulates quality management in the design and manufacture of medical devices and is necessary as soon as they are used for treatment or diagnosis.

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IHK-GfI Conference 2018

On 24. and April 25, 2018, PTA GmbH will be exhibiting in Dortmund at the 25th Information Conference of the IHK-GfI. The motto is “Our common goal: mastering IT and digitalization”.

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Light + Building 2018

From March 18 to 23, 2018, PTA GmbH will be represented in Frankfurt am Main at Light + Building, the world’s leading trade fair for lighting and building technology, as a technology partner of WALTHER-WERKE.

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Invitation: conhIT 2018

We will once again be exhibiting at conhIT, Europe’s most important trade fair for healthcare IT, in 2018 and cordially invite you to visit us at our stand at the trade fair.

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E-world 2018: Review

With more than 25,000 visitors, E-world is the trend-setting trade fair for the energy industry. We were also among the participants and were able to draw a positive conclusion from the trade fair.

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Visit us at the E-world 2018

Together with openKONSEQUENZ eG, we will be presenting one of our showcases at Europe’s leading trade fair for the energy and water industry – the grid operator’s operating diary.

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As a service provider member of the openKONSEQUENZ consortium, we want to develop software that supports the processes of network operators functionally, efficiently and securely.

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Beleuchtete Deko Häuser mit Deko Tannenbaum

Fundraiser 2017

At Christmas, we want to support regional and charitable institutions at our 12 locations. Here we would like to present the institutions to which donations were made.

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Successful PTA seminar

The winter seminar in Mannheim was once again a complete success and provided an opportunity for networking and exchanging experiences within the PTA Group.

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Digital is faster and better

Individual software instead of paper: The digital control of its coating process gives SAAZOR, a manufacturer of milling cutters and contract coaters, a competitive edge.

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Portrait Herr Fischer, Mann mit Brille

Robert Fischer

Marketing Manager

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