
PTA Keyvisual, Ecke in halbtransparentem Blau

PTA summer seminar 2020 takes place virtually

Continuous training and security are top priorities at the Mannheim-based management consultancy PTA GmbH. Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, this year’s PTA summer seminar will be held virtually for the first time on July 10, 2020.

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Beleuchtete Deko Häuser mit Deko Tannenbaum

Fundraiser 2019

For Christmas 2019, we want to support regional and charitable organizations at our 12 locations. Here we would like to present the institutions to which donations were made.

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Digital Supply Act

The Digital Healthcare Act (DVG) – a huge step forward for patients with health insurance and manufacturers. Health apps can be prescribed in future.

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GRPG Symposium in Berlin

Is artificial intelligence revolutionizing our healthcare system? This question was the focus of this year’s symposium of the Society for Law and Politics in Healthcare (GRPG).

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bAV solution from dWerk

HFO Telecom relies on dWerk, whose solution was developed by PTA, when it comes to “bAV”. HFO has now shared its experiences in Personalwirtschaft magazine.

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PTA-KENDAXA cooperation

With new offerings, the partners want to enable their customers to use company data as a production factor for analyses, forecasts and corporate management.

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Beleuchtete Deko Häuser mit Deko Tannenbaum

Fundraising campaign 2018

At Christmas, we want to support regional and charitable institutions at our 12 locations. Here we would like to present the institutions to which donations were made.

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Planned network measures module

Planning of network measures possible with openKONSEQUENZ solution: New module “Planned network measures” published via Eclipse project “Eclipse openK User Modules”.

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PTA presents new logo

In 2019, the PTA celebrates its 50th anniversary. In order to be visually prepared for the next 50 years, the consulting firm is modernizing its appearance.

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Electronic patient file

Agreement has finally been reached on the distribution of tasks for the electronic patient file (ePA). The agreement is considered a milestone for digitalization in the healthcare sector.

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From June 24 to 26, we spoke in Berlin about the latest strategies and technologies relating to customer relationship management, customer experience and data.

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Portrait Herr Fischer, Mann mit Brille

Robert Fischer

Marketing Manager

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