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Connection of SAP Retail to Magento online shop in Hungary

Project duration: 1 year

Brief description

In this project, the SAP Retail of a large trading company is connected to a Magento online shop in Hungary. PTA is responsible for creating the process documentation, assigning source structures to target structures for the respective interfaces, creating test procedures, implementing and documenting the results. Coordination with the partners is also in PTA's area of responsibility.


For the project, various interfaces are specified for the exchange of logistical processing of the connection of the SAP ERP system with the online shop used in Hungary. On the ERP side, IDOCs are mostly used for outgoing and incoming.

Subject description

Interface templates are created for the connection of SAP-ERP with Individual Software. Testing and implementation are the responsibility of PTA.


Project period01.03.2021 - 28.02.2022

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Marcus Rödiger, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren und Brille

Marcus Rödiger

Retail sector manager

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