Process adaptation in the metering point operation department
Brief description
In the German electricity market, the metering point operator is responsible for the collection, processing and star distribution of metered values to all other market participants. These market participants can report faults in the metering equipment, which must be processed and communicated further.
In der zentralen Stammdatenapplikation (mit .NET-Code und SQL-Datenbanken entwickelt) des Kunden werden die Stammdaten der Geschäftspartner (u. a. Verteilungsnetzbetreiber, Lieferanten, Übertragungsnetzbetreiber und andere Messstellenbetreiber) sowie die Bewegungsdaten zu Verträgen und Marktnachrichten vorgehalten. Die eigenen Zähleinrichtungen, sowie die von anderen Messstellenbetreibern, messen den Stromverbrauch entweder durch Lastgangmessung oder durch Ablesung von Zählerständen, wodurch sich durch Differenzermittlung und ggf. unter Einsatz von Berechnungsformeln abrechenbare Energiemengen ergeben. Diese messtechnischen Einrichtungen können Störungen unterlaufen, sodass eine Berechnung von vorläufigen Werten vonnöten sein kann.
Subject description
In particular, the following tasks are involved: Extension of the disturbance process to include SLP (standard load profile) installations, adaptation of the internal disturbance process due to changes in processing (introduction of provisional values – V-values), modification of the SLP cancellation process set up in accordance with changes in market requirements (cancellation, reason for correction), extension of the internal cancellation process in line with market processes, continuous process improvement by determining market-relevant meter reading dates on the basis of internal processes and extension of meter reading dates to include accrual requests from market participants. Parts of the concepts agreed with the specialist department are implemented in the central master data application and in the customer's own MaKo service (module for creating market messages in MSCONS format). This is followed by a handover to the customer's internal IT department for further support in day-to-day business.