The management of metering devices for energy is presented in the central master data application. The life cycle of the technical devices is fully represented and the users can edit the data of the meters with the help of wizards. Adjustments will be made in the course of market communication 2020.
The warehouse management in the central master data application is programmed with Visual Studio and C#-.NET code and its data basis is in an SQL database. The customer as metering point operator maps the system and contract structure for metering point operation in the energy market. Due to the adjustments planned by the BDEW in the course of the market communication 2020 with the metering point operator as a central role in the market, extensions to the warehouse management are necessary.
Subject description
The following subtasks arise in this project: Adaptation of the inventory management with regard to the changed processes due to the market communication 2020 and the new role of the meter operator in the electricity market, consideration of faults from the meter data system in the master data management and mapping of a monitor, connection of partners via the electronic delivery bill to map the process from ordering to installation to the test point and reinstallation, conversion of processes so that the master data system becomes the leading system for the devices instead of remote meter reading, migration of relevant data (calibration validity, introduction date) from remote meter reading to the master data application, supply of internal systems with relevant data (including measurement concept, measurement set, contractual customer agreements), development of process support and integration of manual work steps outside the application to automate the processes.