Implementation and connection of a web service to an existing application
Project duration: 1 year, 7 months
Brief description
New development of a web service (SOAP) for an online web application and connection of the web application to an existing Citrix Xenapp application. The SOAP service provides two endpoints for loading and saving data in a central database.
A new interface is created to connect the web application to the Citrix Xenapp application running on Windows terminal servers. Communication takes place via an encrypted token (JWT) that contains parameters for calling the SOAP service. JOSE was used for the JWT encryption. The JWT is transferred as POST parameter when the Web application is called. The Web application calls the SOAP service with these parameters. The SOAP service runs in the container based on Pivotal Clound Foundry (PaaS). The deployment in the container uses the Cloud Foundry Interface (CLI). The SOAP service is a Java application using Spring as the framework, JPA (Java Persistence API), Maven as the build tool, and Git for versioning. The sources are checked in at the GitHub. For continuous delivery in the test stages, Jenkins is used with build, unit testing and deployment.
Subject description
A new online tariffing module has been connected to the tariffing application, which is used by brokers and agents to generate offers and is provided via Citrix technology. The module required a new interface for accessing the customer and transaction database. The access is created by means of the newly implemented SOAP service.