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KV-Connect Module

Project duration: 2 years, 1 month

Brief description

The project includes the expansion of an individual software solution developed by the customer to include a module for communication via the 'KV-Connect' standard established in the healthcare sector via specific email (eNachricht). In cooperation with practice management systems (AIS/PVS), the customer's software solution takes on special tasks and relieves the AIS manufacturer of this programming effort.


The project is carried out in a customer-specific, agile approach. The project scope includes the development of requirements from the technical specifications of the KV-Connect interface, the actual program implementation of the expansion module in the Java programming language and the testing of the module. The programming takes place in the IntelliJ programming environment and uses a technology stack of Gradle as a configuration and build tool, Java-Mail and Bouncycastle for creating, signing and encrypting e-messages, JAXB, JSON and Postgres-JDBC for data exchange and persistence, as well as JUnit and Mockito for tests. Certificate-based security mechanisms (PKI) are used to verify the e-messages sent and received and to protect them against unauthorized access.

Subject description

The KV-Connect communication service enables medical partners to exchange data securely, directly from the practice management system. The end-to-end encryption of the transmitted messages contributes to security, as does the fact that the entire communication takes place within the secure network of the KVen (SNK) or within the telematics infrastructure (TI). When using KV-Connect, the communication partners involved are therefore not accessible from the Internet and cannot be attacked. The developed software module was successfully audited by KV-Telematik.


Project period11.03.2019 - 31.03.2021

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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