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GDPR Implementation in a Raw Material System

Brief description

In order to be GDPR conform personal data have to be anonymised or deleted. Processes related to this data are analyzed and categorized. By means of these categories, retention times and concepts for deletion are designed and implemented as Java programs.


The program is implemented as a Java batch job with the Spring framework. For each category (e.g. deliveries), a specific spring service is developed which anonymises the data. Another spring-component deletes data which do not have to be stored anymore.

Subject description

The master- and transactional data of the system are stored in an Oracle-DB. They have to be stored longer for certain processes than the GDPR originally intended. This data is anonymised by aggregation, thus without personal information, and then stored in a new data base schema. Data which do not have to be provided anymore will be deleted.


Project start01.01.2020

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Joachim Schütter, ein Mann in einem Anzug

Joachim Schütter

Key Account Manager

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