PTA supervises the implementation of the guidelines through the specifications within the framework of the Market Communication 2020 by the Federal Network Agency. This affects the electronic exchange of messages via e-mail between the transmission system operators and the balancing group managers. The guidelines stipulate that the XML messages must be signed as of 1 October 2019 and transmitted signed and encrypted as of 1 July 2020. The requirements for signing and encryption via certificates correspond to those already defined for market communication for the transmission of EDIFACT messages (see project 4722). The tasks of PTA here include the development of a solution strategy in the environment of the energy trading systems IRM and PSI markets and the control of the implementation on the basis of the platform EDICom. For the monitoring of the business-critical transmission of the timetable data, monitoring is performed using the tools Zabbix and Grafana.
The specifications of the Federal Network Agency stipulate that up to two e-mail addresses may be used by the balancing group managers for the transmission of schedule messages. Each e-mail address must have exactly one certificate (issued by a CA) for signing and encryption with a maximum validity of three years. To ensure that the previous solution runs smoothly until the introduction of signing, a separate client or domain with the required mailbox will be provided on the Exchange server for communication from 1 October 2019. Due to the implementation in EDICom, no changes to energy trading systems are necessary. Outgoing messages are stored in a defined transfer area, where they are picked up by EDICom and then signed and sent. For receipt, EDICom monitors the specified mailbox and provides incoming messages for import by the energy trading system.
Subject description
Circuit diagrams are sent in several stages. The first timetable versions are sent to the transmission system operators seven days in advance for emergencies. Dayahead schedules are created and sent by 14:30 the day before. Intraday transactions are carried out by the customer's short-term traders in 24/7 operation. They send the resulting adjusted schedules to the TSOs. Final versions are sent the following day as part of yesterday processing.