Introduction of a DMS-Management System for International Subsidiaries
Project duration: 11 months
Brief description
The customer would like to migrate a document management system (DMS) that is already being operated off-premise at some subsidiaries abroad to its own data center and introduce it for other subsidiaries. For this purpose, the target architecture should be scalable and at the same time optimized in terms of licensing and operating costs.
The customer's foreign organization currently operates the NScale document management system from Ceyoniq in an external computer center as Software as a Service. In this system, the data of some country organizations is available in a shared instance. For reasons of cost, security and data protection, this system is to be transferred to the customer's own computer center (RZ). For this purpose, a new infrastructure is to be set up in the computer center of the customer's IT provider. This infrastructure will host the existing system, enable additional clients to be set up for the remaining country organizations, and scale performance and storage accordingly as requirements increase. The PTA acts as an interface and sub-project management between the customer's specialist departments, project management and IT – both of the customer and of the provider of the DMS solution. Its tasks include the development and description of the target architecture and the coordination of the work streams involved.
Subject description
The product is used for the storage and DSGVO-compliant administration of all documents arising in customer and supplier contact. These documents are scanned locally, evaluated centrally using OCR and the data is stored centrally in the DMS. The task of the PTA is to coordinate all stakeholders involved, in particular network and platform management for the infrastructure as well as application manager, software supplier and specialist department for the technically correct implementation of the requirements. Finally, the PTA also takes over the documentation of the resulting system and its components and provides methodical support to the project management.