Extending a doctor information system requirements catalogue
Project duration: 1 month
Brief description
In order to digitalize the health care industry an existing interface for billing of services between health care provider system (DIS) and purchaser should be extended with additional funtionalities, which enable the creation and transmission of the certificate of incapacity of work. Focus of the PTA activities is the defintion and modeling of the eAU processes based on the available information, the identification of the unclear / missing information and the specification of the required DIS functionalities as white paper.
With the aim to digitalize the creation and sending of the certificate of incapacity for work, the existing interface between DIS and a centralized infrastructure should be extended in order to enable the final user to create, check, sign and send the certificate electronically. The required processes will be defined and modeled (Business Process Model and Notation, BPMN ) in oder to easily identify the unclear / missing information. Based on these models the corresponding functionalities will be specified. Both, models and specifications, will be semiweekly discussed with the customer and then iteratively adjusted to properly manage the customer's expectations.
Subject description
The white paper represents the basis for the implementation of the eAU. The eAU should replace the papier form with the aim to digitalize and improve the communication between physicians and health insurance. The improvement results from different aspects: decrease number of errors during the creation of the certificate, reduction of efforts and reaction time in case of errors, more efficient transmission to the right receiver and abatement of paper consumption and corresponding costs.