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ETF standardization

Project duration: 1 year

Brief description

In the existing web application for the market conformity check, import interfaces and report functions that have already been implemented are adapted to a standard. In addition, the possibility of creating new index providers is made available. This gives users the option of creating new import interfaces and reports for ETF price data (exchange-traded fund) and configuring the reports, as needed. The aim is to supply capital management companies with reviewed stock prices.


Furthermore, the ETF control process will be extended to include the valuation of ETFs at closing prices. The control process, especially for ETFs with US securities (closing prices are fixed at 10 p.m.), is fully automated. If there are differences in the controls, the specialist department is informed at an early stage so that appropriate measures can be initiated.

Subject description

The option of creating index providers and presenting ETF price data in configurable reports increases the flexibility of the application, particularly in terms of reporting. There is also the option of splitting the weighting of the securities, stocks and bonds into two runs due to different stock exchange closing times.


Project period01.06.2017 - 18.05.2018

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