SAP ERP 6.0 Retail: Movement of goods across company codes and countries between branches
Project duration: 8 months
Brief description
Introduction of item exchange across national and company borders. The process is mapped in the form of a cross-company code relocation with delivery and invoicing between branches of a trading company. This way, the branches in one country can call up items from another branch in a different country and a different legally independent company.
The solution is implemented in SAP ERP 6.0 Retail, EHP6 with the modules MM, SD and LE, as well as ALE/IDOC communication. The enterprise resource planning systems for the branches are integrated into the process in accordance with the goods movements.
Subject description
Conceptual design and implementation of the cross-border exchange of goods between branches so that they can be used as suppliers/accounts payable. Logistical processing takes place using cross-company code stock transport order with SD delivery and SD invoicing. The SD bill generates an INVOIC IDoc in the outbox for settlement and this IDoc internally generates an identical INVOIC IDoc in the inbox by EDI (i.e. in the same system), so that the inbound invoice can be automatically processed and posted by the partner (branch as customer).