Administration tool for quotation calculation software
Project duration: 1 year, 10 months
Brief description
Quality assurance for offshore development of an application for managing the master data of quotation calculation software. The customer's internal calculation software for medical instruments is used around the world. The new application is intended to enable better administration of this software.
The new admin tool consists of about 120 screens for maintaining the master data. Additional dialogs enable the administrator to import/export data and configure batch runs. The new admin tool is based on XML file that make it possible to completely configure the maintenance masks. It is implemented using Microsoft technologies (WPF, C#, Entity Framework). PTA provides support in requirements engineering, in communication with offshore developers, in technical issues and during testing. Quality assurance measures include formulating user stories, the nightly build process, maintaining the test environment and test data and performing tests. Requirements-based tests, integration tests and end-to-end tests are performed. These are implemented by session-based and exploratory testing.
Subject description
The internal, worldwide use of the calculation tool requires decentralized, country-specific administration. Central data, such as products, product configuration, customers, prices and costs are loaded from various source systems via interfaces and can be adjusted manually in the admin tool. The application also enables fine-grained configuration of the calculation process. There are important management modules for financing equipment, managing and bundling materials, pricing, KPIs, the approval workflow, rights management and localization.