In the course of technical product development, measured data is collected at various points. This data has to be grouped together into a standardized, international database. The source data is to be imported automatically wherever possible and it should then be possible to export this data from the database using a minor application.
The application has to support a variety of different import formats (formatted text files, Excel) and a high degree of parallelization is desired in order to achieve a satisfactory processing speed. The implementation therefore uses Microsoft .NET in version 3.5 and a Microsoft SQL Server in version 2008 for the data storage.
Subject description
The application reads results from the production and development of ultrasound sensors and aggregates them in a central database. Sensor-related measured data accumulates both from the production of the sensors in Spain and from further investigations in Germany; this data is examined further and analyzed. The correlations between different measured data from production and development are use to document and improve the production processes and the product quality.