Automatic generation of planning data for natural gas supply contracts
Project duration: 6 months
Brief description
Checking natural gas supply contracts to establish whether they are suitable for generating planning data. Automatic generation of planning data for the natural gas supply contracts to determine quantities, prices and turnover. Enhancement of the plausibility check for contractual data.
Creation of Oracle PLSQL functions in an existing database for evaluating gas delivery contracts in terms of their planning complexity. Contracts of low complexity need no further processing by the user, as the system uses defined specifications to create output data for planning. Contracts that are categorized as complex must be post-processed by planners.
Subject description
Gas delivery contracts are entered in an upstream system. Every contract is rated based on its complexity by the processer for subsequent sales planning. The processor can also check the rating with a new function to be implemented. Where the rating "complex" is assigned, the processor can change the contract data and perform the check again. Every contract that is rated as "complex" requires manual revision in the subsequent system. In the subsequent planning system, the planner must confirm the "not complex" indicator set by the processor, triggering automatic generation of the planned data. For contracts that have already been indicated by the processor as "complex", the planner must create the planned data manually.