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SAP BI: Controlling of production cost

Project duration: 7 months

Brief description

With SAP BI a report is created, which faces the revenues and costs of a cost center. Data from different operative systems are extracted and transferred to the data warehouse.


The data are gathered from different sources (e. g. SAP FI-CO, SAP ERP, host systems) and loaded using flat files or generic dataSource. They are written in DSOs (data store objects), partitioned infoCubes and infoObjects. The reporting is based on a multiProvider. The businessExplorer is used as frontend. The standardized reports are additionally published in the SAP Enterprise Portal.

Subject description

The cost center reporting faces revenues and costs as time series, so that cost fluctuations can be analyzed and optimizations can be considered.


Project period12.07.2010 - 15.02.2011

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Joachim Schütter, ein Mann in einem Anzug

Joachim Schütter

Key Account Manager

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