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Partial reorganization of central services

Project duration: 1 year

Brief description

Functional and technical design and implementation of the relocation of services from central systems to the decentralized agency management and information system. In addition to mapping the business process logic, this requires adjustments to the user interfaces.


All the changes to the user interfaces that are necessary in order to migrate the central services, including the associated logic, are implemented with Delphi in Object Pascal. A Sybase SQL Anywhere database is used to store the data.

Subject description

The high costs involved with using central computing services and the ever increasing pressure from a growing number of software systems that have to be served make it necessary to decentralize various central services. In addition to relieving pressure on the central computers, this achieves a better load distribution through the use of free, decentralized computing power and greater system stability. All services that are to be migrated from the central systems are integrated into the existing, decentralized, sales-supporting agency management and information system.


Project period01.01.2003 - 31.12.2003

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Joachim Schütter, ein Mann in einem Anzug

Joachim Schütter

Key Account Manager

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