Implementation of database procedures for formatting non-proportional damage data for transfer to a new system. The data to be migrated comes from a host-based legacy system. The data is transferred to the new application's data structure with the help of an Oracle database. Afterwards, it is imported to the new system with the MTKLoader migration tool.
The data is transferred from the legacy system to the new application in multiple steps. After the data from the legacy system is made available, it is loaded to an Oracle database, where it is formatted for the subsequent loading process. As a result, formatting the data by means of database procedures is a very important intermediate step in this migration process. The necessary database procedures are implemented in PL/SQL with the help of PL/SQL Developer.
Subject description
The legacy system is a mainframe application for entering and managing contractually covered, non-proportional damages from the area of liability, accident and vehicle insurance (= HUK). It also provides market and quotation damages as the basis for calculating tariffs. In future, these non-proportional damages (i.e. the reinsurer assumes damages from the primary insurer that exceed a certain sum) are to be handled with the help of standard software (SICS/nt). One of the principal problems with the migration is the need to develop suitable algorithms that make it possible to allocate the damages data to the correct contracts in the new system and that carry out the allocation largely automatically.