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Further development of a company database: subprojects for local data warehouse

Project duration: 4 years, 7 months

Brief description

Developing and further developing a tool for grouping together balance confirmations from various R/3 systems and informing various recipients about their current balances by means of an e-mail in Outlook.


In addition to the evaluations carried out with MS Access on the basis of the SQL server database, the Analysis Services data warehouse functions are used.

Subject description

Creating a sales prototype with Analysis Services and Pro Clarity as the front end (sales cube). Creating an application for identifying tax amounts; replacing a host application. Developing and further developing a tool for administrating processes and the related objects. Maintaining processes and other objects, as well as assigning contact persons and support staff to modules and servers/systems. Developing an account auditing checking tool for checking supplier invoices. This is based on a shipping company's price lists.


Project period01.10.2000 - 30.04.2005

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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