Project planning for construction and investment plans
Project duration: 5 months
Brief description
Conceptual design and creation of a prototype for managing construction and investment projects for a water and waste water association. Mapping schedules, orders and invoices, as well as support for decision-making, and for project and schedule management.
Implemented as Lotus Domino application.
Subject description
Each construction or investment measure is managed as a project. The (multi-stage) planning of the individual projects is used as the basis for creating an annual investment plan each year, which in turn forms the basis for executing orders and scheduling future orders by the engineering office. The data from the investment plan are transferred to the "Calculat" planning tool. This planning tool is used to create the business plan that is used as the basis for decisions by the water and waste water association. Orders and invoices are recorded on a project-specific basis. All orders and invoices are recorded and can be distributed to selected areas (e.g. sewage and drinking water) and to cost types as per the investment plan.