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Workshop on Azure DevOps

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

In a series of workshops, the possibilities of Azure DevOps for managing tasks, code repositories and continuous integration pipelines are presented. Possible application scenarios are implemented together with the client on the client's system as part of the workshops.


The workshops cover the configuration of a DevOps project, working with a task board, using Azure Repos with Git, and managing Azure Pipelines as a CI/CD tool.

Subject description

The source code management of an existing software solution is to be transferred to a modern source code management software. Different people are supposed to be involved in the maintenance and development of the software. Also, automatic processes should be carried out on code changes. Azure DevOps is being evaluated as a possible tool for these tasks, and it is tested in a specific use case.


Project period26.06.2024 - 04.09.2024

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Gerd Minners, ein Mann mit kurzen Haaren

Matthias Schmitt

Head of Logistics

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