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Release change with country groups in the invoice receipt book

Project duration: 8 months

Brief description

Further development of software for managing incoming invoices. The technology used for this is based on SAPUI5, ODATA services and a middleware to the SAP system. The use of browsers as GUIs results in a rationalization potential in the simplification of user access to SAP.


The SAP ERP system forms the backend for the ODATA calls. At the same time, it is the database for managing the scanned documents (invoices, credit notes) and is connected to an external workflow system via web services. The task for PTA participant is to adapt the classes that are called via the ODATA services. These services include the data search, the validation of the data coming from the FE (FrontEnd = SAPUI5 component) and the storage of the document data.

Subject description

Adaptation of the invoice receipt module, based on an SAP system, for an additional country group. The legal regulations and currency information must be integrated into the existing application. The web service interfaces must be adapted so that the existing external workflow can also be used for this country group.


Project period01.11.2022 - 30.06.2023

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