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Cash adjustment

Project duration: 7 months

Brief description

The customer acts in the role of a depositary vis-à-vis various capital management companies (KVG). For the managed funds, the customer receives daily account statements from the associated KVG in partly different structures and formats for each KVG. Internally, all bookings are managed and reconciled in a central SAP system for each fund. Due to a certain time offset between the internal and external booking systems as well as other factors such as different reference dates, complaints, etc., the booking balances at a point in time X are not always technically congruent – however, the balances should always be technically congruent. For a given technical deviation there should always be a corresponding technical explanation. This technical explanation must be determined manually by the processor, documented responsibly and archived on a daily basis.


Up to now, the data for the reconciliation of accounts has been presented for each fund in a continued Excel sheet, where the respective account balances and postings are managed. For deviating or missing booking items, pseudo bookings with corresponding comments are created, which are manually eliminated again when the later real booking arrives (in one of the subsequent booking runs on the part of the KVG). In the balance sum of the account balances with the real postings of the day and the pseudo postings, a match must then be achieved so that technical and functional equality is achieved at least in the Excel sheet and the deviation has been resolved.

Subject description

The new system is based on a database solution in MS Access and merges the information of the individual Excel sheets per fund / day into corresponding data structures. The user gets the possibility to navigate via the fund overview of a day to the input data analogous to the former Excel sheets. Certain auxiliary functions / sum calculations etc. increase the user comfort and enable a more efficient data control than in the Excel sheets.


Project period01.11.2022 - 15.06.2023

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Joachim Schütter, ein Mann in einem Anzug

Joachim Schütter

Key Account Manager

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