PTA Keyvisual, Ecke in halbtransparentem Blau
21. August 2018

Invitation: Provider Congress 2018

Würzburg Provider Congress 2018

19. – September 20, 2018, Schlosshotel Steinburg, Würzburg

The megatrend of digitalization does not stop at the energy sector. The energy transition, decentralized generation and tougher competition for customers are leading to a fundamental adjustment to a rapidly changing market.

Follow exciting keynote speeches and panel discussions on current digitalization topics at the annual Würzburg Utilities Congress from 19-20 September 2018 at the Schlosshotel Steinburg. Dr. Frank Gredel, Member of the Management Board of PTA GmbH, will present the “Digital Business Platform as an Accelerator of Digital Transformation in the Energy Services Sector” in his lecture on the Thursday of the event.

Event highlights 2018

  • The digitalization of networks. Step-by-step to success
  • Utilities 4.0: Transformation from utility to digital energy service provider
  • Opportunities and challenges of digitalization in the energy industry
  • Interactive sessions
  • Presentation of the grid portal e-Shop: The Amazon for grid and metering point operators


Keynote speeches, panel discussions & supporting program

19. – September 20, 2018

Steinburg Castle
Hotel and wine restaurant e.K.
Reußenweg 2 / Mittlerer Steinbergweg 100
97080 Würzburg

Portrait Herr Fischer, Mann mit Brille

Robert Fischer

Marketing Manager

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