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25. May 2021

Together against Corona

PTA Group offers coronavirus vaccination to staff, families and alumni

To speed up the nationwide vaccination campaign, companies are starting coronavirus vaccinations in their businesses from June. PTA Unternehmensberatung, based in Mannheim, has already prepared well in advance for the coronavirus vaccination of its employees and is making a voluntary offer to the entire workforce, including families, relatives and friends, to be vaccinated against the coronavirus on May 28, 2021. Alumni are also cordially invited to attend. The vaccination is carried out expertly and in compliance with all hygiene regulations at the company’s headquarters in Mannheim by the hno am neckar joint practice under the leadership of specialists Dr. Andreas Horn and Dr. Arash Choudhry and Stefan Keidel, pharmacist for the Rhine-Neckar district and owner of Rosen Apotheke in Heidelberg.

The number of people willing to be vaccinated is high

Interest in being vaccinated is high across all locations. Within a very short time, more than 50 colleagues have already arranged a vaccination appointment. Among them were some who traveled to Mannheim from Cologne. The vaccination campaign at the company headquarters also relieves the burden on regional vaccination centers and many general practitioners in private practice by involving a small team of specialists and helpers centrally in a concerted campaign. Another big plus: the short distances save time for everyone involved. The all-important vaccination campaign is thus gaining further momentum by making it unnecessary for local employees to go to the GP or vaccination centers – not to mention lengthy appointments and queues.

Together against Corona – taking responsibility

The higher the number of unvaccinated people in our society, the greater the risk of each individual becoming infected with the virus. The more people are vaccinated, the more difficult it is for the SARS-CoV-2 virus to infect anyone. Vaccinated people break chains of infection. “This responsibility has made me very happy that we were able to launch our vaccination day,” says Dr. Tim Walleyo, Managing Director of PTA Unternehmensberatung GmbH. “By getting vaccinated, we are not only protecting ourselves, but also those people who cannot protect themselves, such as children, people with immune deficiencies or people who cannot be vaccinated due to their previous illness. In this way, we are all assuming social responsibility and doing our part to achieve herd immunity. I would therefore like to thank everyone who is helping us, especially the active support of Dr. Horn and Dr. Choudhry as well as Mr. Keidel from Rosen Apotheke Heidelberg.”

Portrait Herr Fischer, Mann mit Brille

Robert Fischer

Marketing Manager

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