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12. July 2021

How to achieve successful and economical software development

PTA consultant Marc Armbruster provides valuable tips and insights in his new book

Which path must be taken in software development to ensure that a software solution is ultimately successful and economical? PTA consultant Marc Armbruster explores this key question in his new book entitled “Successful Software Development”. To this end, the author introduces the so-called “building of profitability” and explains six pillars that are decisive for successful software products and must be considered in combination. The experienced IT consultant provides developers, architects, test managers and business analysts with valuable tips and numerous tools that can be used to avoid or solve typical problems.

“Over the years, it has become increasingly clear to me that in the field of software development, the existing economic potential is often not fully exploited. The reasons for this are manifold and spread over the entire life cycle of a software – and therefore not limited to pure project management,” says Marc Armbruster, who has been working for PTA Unternehmensberatung since 2001, explaining the reason for writing this book. This is why his book deliberately takes a look at the entire life cycle, classifies the areas of influence and discusses the potential risks and opportunities on the way to successful software. “It was precisely this often underdeveloped view and sense of medium and long-term success that was one of the most important motivating factors for the book,” says the experienced software architect.

Costs and benefits of software or the “building of profitability”
The author subjects all sub-areas of software development to a careful cost and benefit analysis and focuses on their cost-effectiveness along the entire life cycle of a software – from planning to initial release, further developments, error management, migrations and adaptations to decommissioning and archiving. To make this entire sequence easier to understand, Marc Armbruster constructs a “building of profitability” in the individual chapters of his book. He sees software development as a house with quality as its foundation. The pillars of project setup, project management, architecture, development and testing, documentation and communication rest on this solid foundation. The foundation and pillars together lead to economical software. Numerous illustrations, graphics and charts round off his explanations. Opinions and quotes from numerous industry experts are also included. The result is an informative specialist publication that offers valuable practical tips, examples and checklists. In addition, Armbruster lists the most important roles in the respective context in many chapters on closing and makes brief recommendations for action.

“We congratulate Marc Armbruster on this great book project. He started with us as a young physics graduate and has gained extensive experience in the course of many IT projects and has acquired expert status over the years,” says Matthias Wossidlo, Managing Director of PTA Unternehmensberatung GmbH. A great example that shows that the PTA offers its employees the right environment to develop their potential and continue to grow.

About the author
47-year-old Marc Armbruster has been working at PTA Unternehmensberatung GmbH since 2001 and has held almost all typical positions in software development during his career. He focuses on all aspects of system and software architecture, software quality and its cost-effectiveness, project management and software development. In addition, the qualified physicist conducts internal training courses and is a member of two internal PTA quality teams.

Marc Armbruster discovered his passion for IT at an early age and developed a keen interest in programming in the early 1990s. He gained his first experience in basic technologies such as assembler and object orientation using Turbo Pascal 6 and C++. In late summer, Marc Armbruster will publish a further technical article on the subject of the book in an issue of dotnetpro, a specialist magazine for professional developers.

The book and its key data
Author: Marc Armbruster
Title: “Successful software development”
Publisher: tredition, 2020, 284 pages, German,
ISBN 978-3-347-15518-3, 34.95 euros (paperback), 44.95 euros (hardcover)

Target group: Developers, architects, test managers, business analysts and anyone who is interested in and enthusiastic about software development.

Portrait Herr Armbuster, Mann mit Brille im Anzug

Marc Armbruster

IT Consultant

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